Mostrando postagens com marcador carta para a família. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador carta para a família. Mostrar todas as postagens

Application Au Pair Care

Olha eu aqui de novo… firme e forte sem abandonar o blog de jeito
Então... sei que já estou com tudo resolvido e tal, mas vou postar aqui a respeito do processo do meu application, pois sei que tem muitas meninas que estão começando e ainda tem muitas dúvidas a respeito disso.

Quando for preencher seu dossiê, siga as instruções que tudo vai dar certo. =)

Fiz minha inscrição pela agência APC (Au pair Care). Posso dizer que o app é bem extenso e cansativo. Minha dica é: que vc preste bastante atenção nas suas respostas e preencha com calma e paciência para não cometer erros. Vc vai encontrar muitas perguntas repetidas, daí que a atenção tem que ser dobrada, pq as respostas tem que ser iguais e coerentes. Outra dica é fazer uma cópia dos documentos e depois passá-los a limpo. Lembrando também que você deve começar a tirar o passaporte a partir de agora, pois para entregar seu dossiê você já precisa tê-lo em mãos.


Confira todos os itens abaixo:

o   Slep Test – Teste de Inglês
o   Au Pair Application on line
o   Medical Form
§  A ser preenchido completamente pelo médico, assinado e carimbado.
o   2 Childcare Reference (deve acompanhar versões em português caso a pessoa a preencher não falar inglês)
§  Deve ser totalmente preenchido pela pessoa que possa dar a referência sobre sua experiência com as crianças. Não pode ser parente. E deve ser de duas experiências diferentes. Caso sua referência não fale inglês, você poderá seguir os seguintes passos:
1.      Traduza os formulários para o português, para que seja preenchido pela pessoa;
2.      Você traduz para o inglês;
3.      As referências assinam as duas versões;
4.      Você envia para a agência as duas versões (português e inglês)
o   Character Reference
o   Au Pair Agreement
o   Psychometric Test
o   Foto Colagem, com no máximo 02 páginas
§  Devem conter duas páginas em tamanho A4. Use fotos suas com crianças e família. Não use fotos que apresentem decotes, biquínis, mini-saias, barriga de fora, bebidas etc. Enfeite suas fotos com colagem etc. Seja Criativa! Documentos adicionais para download, disponíveis na internet em seu aplication on line. Devem ser impressos e preenchido.
o   Atestado de Antecedentes Criminais (pode ser tirado pela internet)
o   Comprovante de Esclaridade
o   Duas fotos, tamanho passaporte sorrindo
o   Cópia da CNH
o   PID – Carteira de Habilitação Internacional
§  Dirigir-se ao Setor de Habilitação para Estrangeiro do DETRAN. Se você é de São Paulo o endereço do DETRAN é: Av. do Estado, 900 – próximo a estação Armênia do Metrô. Atendimento: seg a sex, das 8h às 17h. O valor é de R$ 191,95.
o   Cópia do Passaporte
o   Carta para a família
§  A carta é um dos itens mais importantes do seu app. Diga seus motivos de querer cuidar de crianças nos EUA. Fale de sua experiência com crianças e como gosta de crianças, dê detalhes. Fale de sua família, interesses, personalidade. Explique porque a família deveria te aceitar como sua au pair. Evite falar do seu namorado. Não mencione o número de crianças que quer cuidar. Não mencione preferência por uma região específica. Lembre-se de revisar a escrita e de que o foco do programa é cuidar das crianças!

Sei que as vezes é difícil começar a escrever a carta para a família, então vou postar aqui a carta que fiz. Espero poder ajudar com algumas idéias.

Hello Host Family,

My name is Luciana and I am from Brazil. I’m 25 years old and I would like to tell you a little bit about me and my life.
I live in São Paulo. It’s a big city and is near Rio de Janeiro. São Paulo has a lot of beautiful places to visit. Also, there are wonderful beaches, parks, shopping malls, museums, theaters and much more interesting things to do. I like living here very much.
Actually, I decided to make au pair care program because I love kids, I have experience working with them and I think it’s a great opportunity to my future plans that it’s have a bilingual daycare.
My father is a doctor and works a lot. He’s 56 years old and he loves travelling like me. He's very loving and caring, and a strong person who likes challenges and help others. My mother is amazing and very helpful person. She’s 51 years old and she loves to help others too, she feels good doing that. My grandmother is the best person that I know. She is an angel and I love her very much. My family is small but very united. When I decide to do something I really want, they support me for everything. My parents are separated, but they still have a great relationship. I live with my mother and my dogs and cats, they are part of my family and we love them very much. I had one sister, but she died about 5 years ago. She was amazing and was older than me. She lived a very exciting life. My sister would be a doctor like my father. She spoke English very well because she always traveled abroad to study and work as well.  I'm so proud to have had her as my sister.
I graduated from my Tourism program in 2009, since then I have dedicated my time to working with people and very often children. I worked at city hall, when I was there I did a lot of events, and many of them aimed at children, and I loved it.
Also, I worked, as a volunteer, in a CAPSI (Child Psychosocial Support Center). There, I helped improve the development of the children, it was a great learning experience because I got to help children that were dealing with social problems, relationships problems, were autistic, hyperactive and others. I’ve taught the kids how to make and organize their things while having fun doing many activities everyday. We did many integration activities such as groups and single activities, musics, arts, games that develop the sense of right and wrong about educative subjects like nature, animals, relationships, hygiene and other things. It was an amazing experience I’ll never forget, for sure.
Last year, I worked, as a baby sitter, for one girl called Talize. She was 2 years old and I took care her until 3 years old. This little girl is very cute. I took care of her while her mother was working. I cooked her food, bathed, took her to the daycare, read books, sometimes we watched some movies and cartoons, and she liked a lot.
Recently, I’ve been in Canada for four months just to study English. I can say that it was a great experience, because I met people all over the world and learned about their culture. I visited a lot of beautiful places. I’ve lived in homestay. My host family was very kind to me, especially the kid. I lived with my host mother called Rina, my host father Beijaim and my host brother Justin, 12 years old. My host brother was terrific and funny. We always talked about a lot of cool things and he helped me a lot. My host family liked parties, so when they had some parties, they always invited me, so I went with them and it was very nice and interesting.
It’s not hard to get away from my family for a long time because I have the support of my family for everything, which makes me feel calm and safe. I improved my English a lot, but I needed to study hard for a good result, and I continue studying, because I know I need to improve much more.
Nowadays, I’m working, as a volunteer, in a bilingual daycare. It’s been very good. I’m a teacher’s assistant and I help her with the kids. I love children and I love being around them, playing, caring, reading books, helping the kids with their educational development and others. In this place, the children have activities all the time that are educational and recreational.
I consider myself honest, polite, funny, with a lot of energy, dedicated, responsible, organized and a happy person, because I’m always doing things that I love to do. I like to be with my family and friends, this is my favorite program and I feel good when I am with people that I love. I love traveling, going out with my friends, being with my family at home and having picnics in the park with them, doing exercises and others.
I drive long time and I feel good and safe when I’m driving. I like driving and my mom, my dad and my friends always say to me I drive very well. I never got involved in traffic accidents and I highly respect the traffic laws.
As a said before, I wanna be an Au Pair because I love children. I can improve my English and learn about other culture and life style. I always wanna learn more, meet new people, go to new places to obtain new knowledge.

I hope to be part of your family.

Best Regards,

Luciana Madjarof Bussamra

Abaixo, as fotos que fiz. =)

Eu criei essas montagens em um programa chamado PhotoMix e usei o Adobe PhotoShop tmb.

Well, I think that's all! =)

Eu desejo muita sorte para quem está começando o seu processo agora. Por mais difícil que seja de encontrar uma família, seja paciênte e confie em Deus, ele nunca falha e está sempre do nosso lado. Seja paciênte e espere, pois a sua host family já está reservada pra vc e no momento certo ela vai aparecer. Nunca Desista!

Espero ter ajudado de alguma forma.

Mil Beijos!

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